| Escape Room -pelit Espoo & Joensuu Wed, 08 May 2024 15:14:11 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 | 32 32 |Joensuu – New game 20.05 & holiday 09-19.05 Mon, 06 May 2024 15:00:33 +0000 Great news escape game lovers! 🙂 We are nearing the end of the Sirkus test games and we are just making the final touches to a few puzzles. We will have a small holiday before the opening of the game between 09-19.05. We are not available by phone or email during this time, but the ... Read more

Artikkeli Joensuu – New game 20.05 & holiday 09-19.05 julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .


Great news escape game lovers! 🙂

We are nearing the end of the Sirkus test games and we are just making the final touches to a few puzzles.
We will have a small holiday before the opening of the game between 09-19.05.
We are not available by phone or email during this time, but the booking calendar is open again as usual from 20.05 🙂

Artikkeli Joensuu – New game 20.05 & holiday 09-19.05 julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

]]> |May Day 2024 Sat, 27 Apr 2024 11:39:46 +0000 Happy May Day to all! 🙂 We now have donut, coffees and mead available for every game group at the Joensuu location until May Day (01.05.2024) 🙂

Artikkeli May Day 2024 julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .


Happy May Day to all! 🙂

We now have donut, coffees and mead available for every game group at the Joensuu location until May Day (01.05.2024) 🙂

Artikkeli May Day 2024 julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

]]> |Easter 2024 Joensuu Wed, 20 Mar 2024 13:23:10 +0000 Happy Easter everyone! We are organizing a traditional chocolate egg hunt in Joensuu’s escape rooms from 22.03 to 31.03. We will also raffle a basket of goodies among all participating groups on 01.04. Click here to book a game Have a delicious Easter! 🙂

Artikkeli Easter 2024 Joensuu julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .


Happy Easter everyone! We are organizing a traditional chocolate egg hunt in Joensuu’s escape rooms from 22.03 to 31.03. We will also raffle a basket of goodies among all participating groups on 01.04.

Click here to book a game

Have a delicious Easter! 🙂

Artikkeli Easter 2024 Joensuu julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

]]> |Where do escape games come from? Thu, 28 Dec 2023 15:13:53 +0000 From time to time we have received inquiries about our games; “is your game the same as the one we already played in another place?”. In our case, the answer is always “no, it’s not the same game. Our games are completely our own production, and we don’t buy ready-made games from elsewhere.” Many companies ... Read more

Artikkeli Where do escape games come from? julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

In our case, the answer is always “no, it’s not the same game. Our games are completely our own production, and we don’t buy ready-made games from elsewhere.”

Many companies buy ready-made escape games, for example, from abroad, in which case many different companies can have the same game, only with a different name. Also with business acquisitions, the same games can change location from one city to another.

Below are some examples of companies that sell escape games:


Ready-made games, props, tasks, etc. Link to pages

Escape Room Supplier

Ready-made games and tasks for escape rooms. Link to pages

Escape Room Franchise

Was one of the biggest producers of escape games, especially in the early days of escape rooms. Link to pages

TrapFactory Hungary

Has also been in operation since the early days of escape rooms. Link to pages


One of the biggest producers of escape games. Link to pages

There is no harm in buying ready-made games, as long as the companies have somewhere told where the game is from in the first place. If several escape game companies buy the same games and only change the introductory text and the name, then at some point more and more people will end up playing the same escape room again just because they didn’t know that the game in question was already available at another company.

It would be a bit the same as if you went to the cinema to watch a movie and at the very beginning you noticed that “this is the same movie that we have already seen, but with a different name!”.

We have been designing and building games since 2015 and when playing with us you can be sure that our games are completely unique! 🙂

Artikkeli Where do escape games come from? julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

]]> |Village minigames -reference Wed, 13 Sep 2023 09:33:09 +0000 In the summer of 2023, we participated in implementing three mini-games for the villages of Päijät-Häme. In the mini-games, you dive into the local fables, stories and famous events of the villages. Minigames are a great way to market the villages and invite to visit the places on the spot 🙂 Päijät-Hämeen Kylät and LAB ... Read more

Artikkeli Village minigames -reference julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .


In the summer of 2023, we participated in implementing three mini-games for the villages of Päijät-Häme.
In the mini-games, you dive into the local fables, stories and famous events of the villages.

Minigames are a great way to market the villages and invite to visit the places on the spot 🙂

Päijät-Hämeen Kylät and LAB University of Applied Sciences collected the stories of the games from the local residents of the villages and we put together the technical and visual implementation of the game. The coding of the game was carried out by our partner Teekoo Games / Sensor monitor and our own set designer/illustrator Virpi Hiltunen was responsible for the visuals.

You can play the mini games here!

Artikkeli Village minigames -reference julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

]]> |Difficulty levels for Secrets of the Past – Joensuu Sun, 30 Apr 2023 12:46:16 +0000 Which ship will you choose for your adventure? ? In Joensuu, we added difficulty level choices for the Secrets of the Past game. The previous version of the room remains at the 3/5 difficulty level, but in addition to that, there are now 2/5 and 5/5 difficulty levels to choose from. With this update, the ... Read more

Artikkeli Difficulty levels for Secrets of the Past – Joensuu julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .


Which ship will you choose for your adventure? ?

In Joensuu, we added difficulty level choices for the Secrets of the Past game.
The previous version of the room remains at the 3/5 difficulty level, but in addition to that, there are now 2/5 and 5/5 difficulty levels to choose from.

With this update, the age limit in the room also changes to K-12, and even younger people can participate in the game when accompanied by an adult! 🙂

Artikkeli Difficulty levels for Secrets of the Past – Joensuu julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

]]> |Difficulty levels for Witch of the Enchanted Forest Mon, 17 Apr 2023 16:44:48 +0000 Have you ever played an escape game and it seemed either too easy or too difficult? We have a solution for the problem; we’re bringing back the difficulty levels that we developed, with which it’s possible to choose an easier or harder version during the game. So you don’t have to decide the difficulty level ... Read more

Artikkeli Difficulty levels for Witch of the Enchanted Forest julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .


Have you ever played an escape game and it seemed either too easy or too difficult?
We have a solution for the problem; we’re bringing back the difficulty levels that we developed, with which it’s possible to choose an easier or harder version during the game.

So you don’t have to decide the difficulty level before the game and you can even adjust it during your game.

The previous version of the Enchanted forest room will remain at the 5/5 difficulty level, but alongside this there are now two easier versions.

The goal of this update is for each group to get the best possible experience from the game. ?

Artikkeli Difficulty levels for Witch of the Enchanted Forest julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

]]> |Easter 2023 – Joensuu Wed, 05 Apr 2023 17:51:46 +0000 During the Easter week from April 2 to April 10, there are delicious surprises in our escape games in Joensuu! ? There are chocolate eggs hidden in all the games for those with a keen eye, and we will raffle an Easter-themed goodie basket among all the groups that visited during Easter week! ? You ... Read more

Artikkeli Easter 2023 – Joensuu julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .


During the Easter week from April 2 to April 10, there are delicious surprises in our escape games in Joensuu! ?

There are chocolate eggs hidden in all the games for those with a keen eye, and we will raffle an Easter-themed goodie basket among all the groups that visited during Easter week! ?

You can book the game here.

Welcome to the adventure! ?

Artikkeli Easter 2023 – Joensuu julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

]]> |Happy Halloween 2022! Fri, 28 Oct 2022 17:01:50 +0000 Happy Halloween everyone! ? Halloween used to be the Celts’ new year, when they dressed up in scary costumes that were believed to drive away evil spirits. At the same time, it was a day of celebration to leave the previous year behind and welcome the new year. ? Halloween is currently celebrated on 31.10 ... Read more

Artikkeli Happy Halloween 2022! julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .


Happy Halloween everyone! ?

Halloween used to be the Celts’ new year, when they dressed up in scary costumes that were believed to drive away evil spirits. At the same time, it was a day of celebration to leave the previous year behind and welcome the new year. ?

Halloween is currently celebrated on 31.10 in Finland, which falls on a Monday this year, and that means we can celebrate Halloween for two whole weeks between 24.10 and 5.11! ? During this time, you can come and play in the spirit of Halloween wearing an outfit or accessory, for example in a full Halloween costume or just wearing an eyepatch or a witch’s hat, and you will get a 15% discount! ?

Artikkeli Happy Halloween 2022! julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .

]]> |New theme release – Joensuu Fri, 28 Oct 2022 16:09:33 +0000 Halfway through last year, we moved from Torikatu to larger premises in Teollisuuskatu, and we had a questionnaire about what kind of escape room theme you wanted in Joensuu. ⛵ We received a lot of good suggestions; from horror to fantasy and crime thrillers. However, one thing that came up repeatedly was that “the game ... Read more

Artikkeli New theme release – Joensuu julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .


Halfway through last year, we moved from Torikatu to larger premises in Teollisuuskatu, and we had a questionnaire about what kind of escape room theme you wanted in Joensuu. ⛵

We received a lot of good suggestions; from horror to fantasy and crime thrillers. However, one thing that came up repeatedly was that “the game would be suitable for all ages.” ?‍?‍?‍?

When choosing the theme, we also took into account what themes have been and are currently in Joensuu, as well as what games we have already built. ?‍♂️

In the end, we ended up in a fun Circus, suitable for the whole family! ? ? ?

The proposer of the theme idea will be among the first to have a test game ?

At the moment, however, the construction of the game is still in progress, but it will be completed later this year. ?️

Artikkeli New theme release – Joensuu julkaistiin ensimmäisen kerran .
