Rikosmysteeristä löytyy nyt vaikeusasteet! :)Keski-vaikea sopii 2-6 hlö ryhmille ja ensikertalaisille.Vaikea sopii…
Julkaissut Pakotarinat 20. tammikuuta 2017
There is different difficulties in Crime Mystery starting from 20.01.2017: Medium and Hard.
The Medium -difficulty is mainly for 2-6 person groups and beginners.
The Hard -difficulty is for 6-10 person groups and more experienced players.
Medium -difficulty is not a run through, there is still challenge involved, there is just less puzzles. The puzzles are also linear, so that smaller groups wouldn’t have to break up too much.
Hard -difficulty on the other hand is also not impossible, but there is more challenge to it, if there is more players in the group, that can divide to multiple directions throughout the game. Also the more experienced players in smaller groups should enjoy the added difficulty.