
Mobile escape games

We design and build mobile escape games or individual puzzles to your location. Mobile escape games are great for exhibitions and private occasions. We can build either mechanical or electronic puzzles. You can order a whole game or just a design for a game or a puzzle.

You can contact ari@trendblast.lol and we can make a game just for You!


Pharmacy Days – Nicorette Department

We designed a (max. 5 minute) puzzle for the Pharmacy Days. The department advertised Nicorette’s new product and at the same time, they wanted to bring out the origin of the nicotine gum. The nicotine gum was invented for use by soldiers in submarines, so the submarine was a natural theme for the game.

Pakotarinat designed a suitable puzzle for the fair environment and the customer was responsible for building the game. The following features were requested in the assignment:
– The maximum duration of the puzzle is five minutes
– It is mechanical and easy to build
– Easy and quick to reset

Approximately 80% of all the participants passed through, with fastest time of 1 min 10 sec. The average time to solve the game was 2.5 min – 4 min. Both Nicorette and exhibition visitors were happy with the game.

Below are some pictures of the stand.

Nurse Days

The department promoted Januvia and Lixiana medicines as well as their suitability, especially for elderly patients, for their ease of use.

In designing the game, we took into account the same criteria as before, the messages in the game were: Easy to use, an elderly patient. However, we did not want the game to be too easy, but rather the final solution, in this case the use of the medicine.

The background story of the game was that there was an elderly person in the room who needed help. She has the necessary medications in the medicine cabinet, but her keychain is somewhere in the handbag. Players have only 5 minutes to find the keys in the medicine cabinet and help the person.

About 80% of the participants got through the room and especially the young people were excited about the game.