
Frequently asked questions

What is Pakotarinat?

We’re room escape business located in Espoo and Joensuu. We got into room escape business in 2015 autumn when we were building the first room escape games in Joensuu. After these we designed and built our own game, the Crime Mystery. Due to great popularity of the room, we started to design other rooms as well. Now we have two branches, one in Espoo and one in Joensuu, with three themes and pop up games.

You can find more info from our blog.

What are escape rooms?

Even the word, escape room, alone may give someone distressing feeling. Luckily, the reality is really something else. Room escape is an interesting experience, where you’ll forget about time and let the game flow through you.

Inside the room you’ll need to solve different kind of puzzles. Each of them will bring you closer to the goal of the game: escaping the room.
blank Clues for puzzles are scattered inside the room and every solved puzzle also gives a clue for the next puzzle. Sometimes the puzzles require teamwork from all participants.

The game master is watching over the game through cameras to give help if players are stuck. Players can also speak with the game master whenever they feel like getting a hint.

We have designed and built all our rooms without help from room escape suppliers or franchising themes. Therefore, our rooms are unique and we are able to develop them continuously based on the customer feedback.

What are difficulty settings?

The purpose of difficulty settings is to match the difficulty of the room to meet the skills of the group. You don’t have to choose the difficulty setting before the game and you can change it while you are in the room.


Our escape rooms at Pakotarinat are safe for the whole family. Players can independently exit the room at any point in an emergency. The game master can see you during the game via video camera. Our space has been checked for fire safety.

Tips for players

1. The idea of the game in short: We have built different kind of puzzles for you to solve inside the room. Whenever you finish one puzzle, you get a clue for the next one. You have one hour to finish all of them and get out of the room.

2. None of the puzzles require you to climb on anything, like chairs for example. There is no hidden objects in the ceiling or high places. Also, none of the puzzles requires you to break anything. Some objects has to be dissembled, but there is always a clue for this.

3. There are “Don’t touch” stickers inside the room on some objects. You are not allowed to touch the objects with stickers. You are encouraged to pick up, turn and move around all other objects. From this we get to the next tip…

4. Search the room as thoroughly as you can. There are hidden keys, clues and important objects in very hard to find places. Go through the room as thoroughly as you can. And again, from this we get to the next tip:

5. Communicate inside the group as much as possible. Whenever you find a clue or a key, tell it loudly to everybody: “Hey guys, I found a number 8 inside this hat. Do we need it for something, or is it here just to lead us off?” It sure is not there to lead you off 🙂

6. Remember to have fun! Room escape games are fun thing to do together. Forget about your everyday problems and immerse yourself for the adventure ahead of you! 🙂